City in a Park: St. James Park


Summer is really, officially, finally here.  For real, you guys.  I can hardly believe it.  One thing I want to do this Summer is explore some of the great parks in Toronto.  Our city is sometimes referred to as "a city within a park" because, well, we have so many of them.  This is the Summer I want to take advantage of that in a more deliberate way.  Lenny has agreed to join me on these excursions and we're both pretty excited.

We've been cooped up the last couple of days, me with work, her with a fever (yes, the Robeau did teach her to say she "needs more cowbell").  Today she started to feel better so she joined me to see her dad play at St. James Cathedral's Snell Hall as part of the Toronto Jazz Festival.  As luck would have it, we had an hour to kill before the show and the grounds of the cathedral is one of Old Toronto's loveliest spots, St. James Park!

Things we loved:  A gazebo (Len loves gazebos), beautiful gardens, room to run downtown, public art (from the Contact Festival), a little water fountain that looks like the one in Jackson Square (you know it had to come back to New Orleans, damn).

Things we didn't love:  No water in the fountain, lots of litter and cigarette butts on the grounds.  This is a downtown park so there are a number of homeless people that basically live there.  That's not an issue for us as far as enjoying the park goes (we met some awesome people and were more than happy to share their space with them), but since the city knows that people are spending so much time there, and they have been for decades, it would be nice if they could clean up the butts, you know?

It's a beautiful spot, in a beautiful part of the city that has so much to offer.  We'll certainly be back.

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