Top Chef Canada Episode 10 Recap: Holy Shit, it's Marcus Samuelsson!


He's that good.

Hey! Dale's here for the QUICKFIRE! Since he talked so much about his relationship with his son last year when he won Season 1 the challenge is cooking for kids.  Dale's little boy is judging and looks totally freaked about the prospect of having to eat things like lamb and brussels sprouts. His pain is leaping off the screen.  I'm anxious just looking at him.

This Aiden kid is a trooper. The chefs seem a little intimidated by him, and Headband is the only one to shake his hand. Go, Headband.  Nevertheless he's on the bottom with The only French man in Calgary.

Carl and Trevor get top points for being kid-friendly but the winner is Trevor for turning brussels sprouts into slaw and deep frying squid.  


Holy Shit, it's Marcus Samuelsson!  He wants these guys to take soul food, food that tells their story and make it "chefy" and refined.   They need to work as a team and make a six course tasting menu.  This is a tough one.  I think I'd make Kraft Dinner.  It is Top Chef Canada, after all.

Two observations: Listening to Headband talk about food is really a pleasure.  Trevor is such an anti-asshole.  

Did I mention, Marcus Samuelsson???!!! (holy shit.)

The only French man in Calgary starts us off with his ode to Canada and our wonderful produce.  There's a terrine with crispy veg and beet reduction.  They all really like it. Yay for The only French man in Calgary!

Headband made a Scampi consomme with Pierogi and confit potato, swiss chard and garlic oil.  Refined soul food? Sure looks like it.  Aaaaand Marcus Samuelsson just said Headband's broth was a masterpiece. Throw out your resume, Headband. You don't need one now.

"It's not about the theatrics, it's about the memory you're left with when your plate is empty." - Marc McEwan.

Carl's Salmon does not translate into soul.  He's not a soul man, that Carl.

Trista's plate is all over the place.  She poached chicken thighs in saran wrap and some of it ended up on Marcus' plate. Oh, man.

Crazy David did Beef and Cabbage three ways and everyone enjoys it very much.  Crazy David settled down on this challenge and it's served him well.

Trevor grew up with Peanut Butter and Bananas and made a molten cake inspired by those childhood staples and a recipe from Marcus' book.  It's a great story, but the reaction is not great. Poor Trevor, I think he'll be in the bottom three.

I'm thinking Trevor, Carl and Trista bottom three - with Trista going home.


The only French man in Calgary, Crazy David and Headband (duh) are the top three.  It's a love-in, but Crazy David wins top place and 5 grande!  That's a whole lot of money for his ex-wives.

The bottom three are who we expected, and the critiques are sharp.  Carl's got no soul, Trevor shouldn't make dessert and Trista dissolves into tears when her saran wrap mishap is revealed.  You have to feel for her, but, of course, she's packing her knives and going home.  

Next week...KRAFT DINNER! Whoa! What?


  1. Jen Andreae12:50 PM

    My predictions for next week: Headband is totally going to rock the KD challenge and Frenchie is going to reveal that he's never tasted the shit and he's not going to start now.
    If I had any money, I'd be telling this to a bookie.


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