Fashion Friday: Statement Piece Edition


Happy Friday, pals!  Today I want to put the spotlight on one of my favourite ways to accessorize, the statement necklace.  As a large person, I've always enjoyed large jewellery.  A delicate little pendant gets lost on me, but a big, bold "look at me" necklace fits just right.

Not all statement necklaces are created equally, though.  Some are just right for a night out, some are perfect for the office and some are as versatile as your favourite little black dress.


If you're going to make a statement, make a statement, am I right?  This glitzy (not so) little vintage-inspired number is one of my favourite go-to pieces.  It was love at first sight when I picked it up at Addition Elle last year.  I love pairing it with both super casual pieces like a vintage t-shirt and with evening wear.  No matter what I wear it with I always feel glamorous and powerful with it on, and who doesn't like that?


I know we all wear a lot of basic black and one way I love to perk that look up is by adding a statement necklace with a pop of colour.

This hot pink number is from Indigo (yes, the book store). They've been killing it lately with their accessories.  They also have fantastic sales when the new collections come in (which is often), so keep your eyes open for those!  This is a cheeky little piece to let peek out from a shirt collar or a blazer.

A new favourite from Target, which I'm looking forward to rocking all through the holidays.


Natural materials like wood, stone and coral make for a more organic look.  This blocky wood necklace was an impulse buy at Old Navy several years ago.  I was drawn to it at first because it reminded me of something Donna Karan would have shown in the mid-90's.  Except it cost $5.  It weighs almost nothing and I wear it all the time.  This piece does exactly what a statement necklace should, it elevates even the simplest sundress or t-shirt and makes me feel completely put together, even when I'm anything but.

Some fashion related eye-candy online:

Speaking of Donna Karan, she really pulls off this massive, potentially violent looking statement necklace, huh?

This slide show on the evolution of the caftan from Harper's Bazaar makes me crave that kind of floaty ease in more bite-sized form.  Now on the hunt for a caftan inspired jacket.  (Shout out to Caftan Woman!)

Wise words from Andrée Putman.

If there's anything that you'd like to see in this space on a Friday, let me know!

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