

When I remember Jack it is never just Jack, it is always Jack and Olivia and everything they did for my city, Toronto.  The Federal politics and the big win a couple of months ago, while energizing, weren't where my head and heart went last week.  It was the early 90's.  It was Queen Street West.  It was when they were the poster children for badass lefty's all over the city.  I miss those days sometimes and I know I'll miss Jack in the days and years to come.  The funeral left me with an almost frantic sense of "what's next?" - how do we move forward with his vision?  All I know is that if we can harness even a fraction of the energy that I felt at Nathan Phillips Square last week we'll be in good shape.

Here are my photos from my visit to the chalk memorial in front of City Hall last week.  I'll never forget the way being there made me feel.  Proud, sad, in awe and hopeful.  Thanks for everything, Jack.

1 comment :

  1. lost potential but maybe hope and faith re-found and restored to make the world's we each touch a better place. xo


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