City in a Park: Kew Gardens


When Lenny was a wee little baby this was my favourite park to hang out in.  It's kind of our "go to" park.  I even shot her first birthday portraits at Kew Gardens, and let me tell you, I have spent a small fortune at the Starbucks across from Kew Gardens.  I love that it's close to home (a good 30 - 40 minute walk depending on how many distractions there are for the 3 year old in the group or, more often a 5 - 10 minute bus ride).  Len loves taking the bus because I think it makes it feel like a real-live outing.  She also loves the gazebo in this park.  Which we actually never refer to as Kew's always "Gazebo Park".

Many have been the days when I say "What do you want to do today? You can pick...anything you like." and she says "GAZEBO PARK!"

Things we loved:  This is one of the best playgrounds in our neighbourhood, steps from all the places I need / want to go (see: wine store, cheese store, Starbucks) and the library where there is inevitably a Cat Club book on hold for us.  It's also steps from the beach which is one of our happy places.

Things we didn't love:  Now, this is a very specific complaint, but for us, if Len falls and gets soaked in mud (which did happen once...or twice) it is difficult to get home quickly.  So close, yet so far, you know?  I also find it kind of a drag that it gets so crowded in the optimal Summer months. I love having the place all to ourselves, which we often do during the cold months.  Hashtag selfish mom. Hashtag first world problems. Hashtag I don't care, get out of my park.

We'll see you soon, Kew Gardens.  Probably tomorrow.

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