Fashion Friday: Behind the Lens


I'm in the middle of a couple of busy weeks for Tracey Nolan Studios.  Last week I spent a lot of time in the studio with head shot clients and tonight I began my assignment shooting the Toronto Jazz Festival (which is always such a great pleasure).  Then, this Sunday I'm shooting my first wedding of the month!  What that means for my wardrobe is simple. Black, black and more black.

It's probably fair to say that I have flair for the dramatic in my every day life, but when I'm the one behind the lens it's important just to blend in and fade away.  In the studio I lean towards loose fitting and comfortable.  There's usually a scarf thrown on too, just...because.

If I'm shooting at an event like a wedding I'll go a little more formal.  Cover my feet up and wear a blazer.  Yes to not standing to looking sloppy.  I've been to weddings where the photographer has been wearing cut off jean shorts and another where they were wearing old swag t-shirts (for a beer company I believe).  Just tacky beyond belief.  So, no, I won't be sporting any novelty t-shirts at the wedding on Sunday.

All this got me to thinking about my favourite photographers and what they wore.  Here's a collection of some of my personal icons and the way they dressed.  Lots of classic simplicity with the odd flamboyant punch thrown in.

Diane Arbus was such a classic beauty.
Eve Arnold always seemed to keep it clean, simple and modest.
 I love the glasses and the chunky silver rings.  Lillian Bassman's attention to detail seems to have carried over to her wardrobe.  This woman was such a bad ass.

And now, I'll leave it to the gentlemen to bring the wacky.  Ansel Adams and Gordon Parks, hats off to you!

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