Introducing...Tracey Nolan Studios


Photo by Lauren Hammersly / Make up by Summer Garcia

As many of you know, things have been very busy in my world as of late. Mostly with the move into the new house and, if I'm being honest, with post-season baseball (go Yankees!). The other project that I've been focussed on is launching the Tracey Nolan Studios Website.

Regular readers of this blog know about my adventures in jazz photography, but you may not have noticed how much I love shooting pictures of my friends and their families. One of my favourite things to do is to help people capture the beauty that resides in every day moments through spontaneous, natural light photography. I firmly believe that you don't need to work within the constraints of a studio or under hot lights to get great results. After a few years of shooting these kinds of portraits for a select few people, due to popular demand, I've launched Tracey Nolan Studios.

Miss Tracey Nolan remains a personal blog, but I will share links to the Tracey Nolan Studios site from time to time to let you know what I'm up to in that part of my life. In the past few weeks I've had a number of sessions and have enjoyed every single bit of the process from meeting with my clients, to conducting the shoots and editing and sharing the photos. I still really enjoy my day job at CSIS and working with my MTN Media Relations clients very much and finding the balance between those two things and this new initiative will no doubt be a challenge. That said, right now, I feel very focussed on building this business and very fortunate that I've been able to find a way to make my passion for this art form and for connecting with people meet and maybe even become profitable. Wish me luck? Wish me luck!


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    That is AWESOME, you are so talented, I love your portraits & jazz photos... Great website!


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