Niagara Bound


Well, it's been a full work week since the IAJE conference and I still haven't managed to digest everything that I heard and saw over the course of those four days. It was truly amazing. I have lots of pictures and things to share and I will do that next week, mostly for my own records, so that I don't forget the little things like how the Jazz at Lincoln Center staffers were all so well dressed. Between that, and their exceptional posture it was like they were the Mormons of the jazz world.

But I'll have to get to all that later. The Robeau and I are heading to Niagara Falls for the weekend. This is crazy, spontaneous and weird for us. While it won't be the quiet of Collingwood we will be Intornet free and away from the homestead. The lovely homestead that is just crawling with To Do lists and dishes begging to be done. After this brief respite I'm sure we'll both be on fire with productivity next week. On fire! Besides, they have wax museums there. Who doesn't love a good wax museum?


  1. Lets hear it for dishes not done!

  2. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Oh I remember twice going to Niagara Falls just because it was 'sponaneous and weird' when I was younger, living in NY. (I am sure the part you visit is much classier!) But I remember the wax museums. Have a good time!! (Maybe you can stay in a hotel with a heart-shaped jacuzzi?!!!)

  3. Thanks Girlies, we had fun : )

  4. Glad you had a restful and yet not boring weekend. I find that sometimes my weekends of peace can drift that way. Of course, now my weeks and weekends are pretty merged anyway...


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