I'll tell you this much though, things have been so action packed at "CSIS" the last few weeks that if pharmaceutical relaxants were readily available to me I might be a happier girl. Might? Scratch that! Rewrite! I would be a much happier girl. For the meantime I will settle with bubble baths, red wine, Kurt Elling in my ear and the thought that this guy should HOST the Oscars some day:

Would that not be the best choice that the folks at The Academy have made...ever?
If I got to watch three hours of Clooney cracking wise and being handsome on television next March it might prevent me from doing questionable things in the future, like tonight when I asked a mean, nasty old woman on the trolley car if she was "raised by wolves". It was rush hour and she was giving a seat to her canvas tote! I had to do it!
I'm taking a long weekend. It's not safe for me to be around people in my present state of mind.
For the record, I think she *was* raised by wolves.
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