Caught Bernie Senesky at the Rex last night, during their early evening / after work set. I love that you can get live jazz downtown, for no cover, every single day at 6:30pm. I don't always love the programming for the early set, but really, who cares? It's the fact that they do it that counts and when somebody like Senesky plays the early set it's an extra special treat! I take the Rex for granted sometimes. Shame on me.
Senesky was playing his korg organ last night and was his typical amazing self. I love, love, love the jazz organ / B3 sound. This sounds silly, but it reminds me of christmas. When I was still in high school I bought a christmas compilation that Verve put out with some Jimmy Smith versions of holiday songs on it. That was my introduction to the B3 and to Jimmy Smith so whenever I hear the instrument I get that warm and fuzzy christmas feeling. I've said it before and I'll say it again, sometimes those method acting classes I took in my early 20's pay off. Sometimes.
Senesky played some originals, some Strayhorn, some Jobim and to greatest effect, I think, a really swinging version of Come Rain or Come Shine. He was joined by two young uns' - Nick Fraser on drums and Nathan Hiltz on guitar. Hiltz held his own and was fun to watch, simply because he was clearly enjoying what Senesky was doing so much. Fraser was great on drums, inventive without being intrusive and often very sparse. I appreciate that economical approach to the drums, you don't hear it much. Great stuff.
Bernie Senesky will be appearing at the Rex every Tuesday at 6:30pm in August (except Aug 16th).
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